Red Prawn and Mango Thai Curry

I am increasingly becoming quite a fan of Nigella Lawson.  No matter what people think of her silk clad midnight snacks there is no doubt that she is quite an inspiration and I’m sure her recipes have created many new foodies.  By coincidence, her cookbook ‘Feast’ arrived today.  I ordered it due to my growing curiosity about Nigella.  The only other Nigella cookbook I have is her Christmas one but some how I felt I was missing out.  I’ve had a quick flick though ‘Feast’ and I’m quite excited about getting into bed tonight to read more.  Sad I know, but that is perfect bedtime reading for me.

The other reason I have become more interested in Nigella is of course is because I was been lucky enough to briefly meet her a couple of months ago when filming for Baking Mad.  I’m also going to be hosting the Forever Nigella blog challenge in June run by Sarah who writes the fantastic Maison Cupcake blog which I am very excited about so watch this space for more details on that.

So for all these reasons I thought that featuring and reviewing one of her recipes on my blog would be very fitting.

This month Vanilla Frost is hosting Forever Nigella for Sarah and the theme is ‘spring’.  So the other night I had a look through some online Nigella recipes and came across one for Red Prawn and Mango Curry. It was the addition of mango and the colourful ingredients that made it feel very springtime to me, and in my opinion a great curry recipe is worth it’s weight in gold so I thought I would give it a go.

I decided that I would review based on marks out of 10 for a few set criteria. Hopefully this will make it easier for you to quickly see what I thought of it.


The total cost of ingredients where I normally shop in Ocado was £17.56.  Calculating the cost based on how much of each ingredient is used the cost was £10.74 and based on the dish serving 4 people it worked out at £2.69 per person.  Cheaper than your average take away ruby, so pretty good value if you ask me.

Score: 8/10

Time required to make:

The prep took me about 30 mins, but most of this was peeling and chopping the butternut squash and mango.  I did not have any sweet potato so I left it out, but peeling and chopping these would have added on an extra 5 mins the the prep I would say.  If you are tight on time you can buy the sweet potato and squash in a prepared pack together and save yourself half the time I would say.  The only other thing to mention is that in the recipe it suggests 15 mins cooking time for the squash and potato.  Mine took about 40 mins to be soft enough.

Score:  7/10
Skill level needed:

This is a great recipe for beginners.  After everything has been prepared it is really just a case of putting most if it in the saucepan and letting it simmer away whilst you get on with something else.

Score: 8/10

Recipe instructions:

I like the instructions.  They were easy to follow and nicely formatted on the webpage.

Score: 8/10

Visual appearance of completed dish:

I could not wait to tuck into this meal.  Admittedly, I picked this recipe because I thought I would like it, but it really did look scrummy.  This would be a great meal to serve friends and you could make it look even nicer by serving with a bit of mango chutney, cucumber raita (my favorite) and a naan or flatbread.

Score: 9/10


I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this curry.  It is sweet and sour, spicy and salty and I love having flavour contradictions in the same dish.  When you get mango, butternut squash and prawn in the same mouthful, it is really quite something.  I was tempted to close my eyes and say, ‘Mmmmm….” but then that really would have been a bit too much like Nigella,  so you will be pleased to hear I did not do this, and instead started up conversation with my husband as distraction.  The level of heat and spice in this curry will be down to the red curry paste you use.  I really like the Thai Taste range of pastes.

Score: 9/10

Overall, I think it is fair to say that I loved this recipe.  I will certainly be making it again, and can’t wait to make it next time we have guests.

Now, if you don’t mind, I’m off to bed to do you know what!

I am also going to enter this curry into Fabulicious Food’s Family Friendly Fridays blog event.   There are some great recipes entered this month so hop over and take a look if you get the chance.

24/04/2012. Tags: , , , , , , , , , . Family dinners, Party, Savory Baking. 9 comments.